5.Habits that will Change your Life.

Today we are going to Highlight Top 5 Habits which will change your life complety after applying them in your daily routine.
So let's get started.


Now days we just wake up , get freshen-up and we do work what comes in mind but we never plan that this work has to be done by me tomorrow anyways. 
But is this type of habit good for us ?
Of course "NOT" 
Then what should we do this question arises ?
 So,After waking up you should be knowing that what tasks has to be completed today.
Before going to bed you should plan and decide the task to be completed for the next day and you should check out that how many tasks has been completed by you.
Practising this habit will change life completely . Your thinking skills and time management skills will boost up to next level 
You should Try this.
It works !


Who doesn't gets Angry ?
Every person living on this earth gets angry for one or the other reason.
But is this Anger really helpful for our body
Is is rightly said "ANGER" is just one word far from "DANGER".
This statement is really true, 
Because Anger indirectly damages our body, according to Ayurveda anger should be just 5% or less than it in an human being as anger increases heat in body , mental stress , loss of energy, etc.
You should Avoid It !
Just try this trick for few days
Don't get angry on any thing though it might be a silly thing or it might be big just stay and clam and think for the solution to make the thing right.
Your Mind will get connected to peace.
You must Try 👍


Everyone has this habit of checking social media messages or watching T.V and many more electronic gadgets before going to bed , this habit is one of the worst habit we follow 
We should Strictly avoid this habit 
This habit is one the reason for incomplete sleep which results in anxiety,stress,weight-gain,and many more consequence.
How to fix this Habit ?
You should Strictly avoid using all the electronic gadgets (mobile phones,T.V,laptop,etc)  1hr  before going to bed 
This habit will increase your sleep quality and will help you to deal will anxiety , stress ,etc.


In this Modern-Era no one focuses on what food we eat or how we eat. For saving time we eat fast without chewing the food properly.
You must know this habit makes your digestion track poor as we eat fast and not chew the food properly our body requires more energy to breakdown and digest the food and hence we feel fatigue and sleepy just after eating food.
So how to fix this problem ?
It is very easy just avoid eating fast and focus on food chew it properly slowly though it takes more time. avoid using mobile phones or Television while eating. As ayurveda suggests that 50% of food should be digested in our mouth so chew it properly.
You will be amazed to know that if you eat slowly and concentrating on food your tummy will fill fast than before.
 And you should also avoid drinking water just after meal or in between meal. You should keep a gap of 30 min
This habit will make your digestive track powerful.


What else can be as great as Meditation.
Meditation helps to refresh the mind and it is the best way to keep control over our mind and fill up our mind with Positive energy. You don't have to meditate for 3-4 hrs like the Holy Monks do.
But the what to do ?
After you wake up and get freshen-up close your eyes and sit quiet for 10-15 mins ask your mind the solutions of the problems in your life or just think about spiritual thoughts.
Try this habit for few days and you will observe a drastic change in your body.
You will feel your body calm and energetic with peaceful thoughts and your mind will be filled up with Positive energy.
Yes It Really Works.
You must Try !
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