All about PCOD

PCOD - (polycystic ovary disease)
It is also known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
It is a hormonal disorder which results in enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer age.
It is now it is common nowdays but if not paid attention it can result in infertility


It is caused due to imbalance of sexual hormones
This disease is caused when the over start making slightly more androgens and increased insulin levels.


• Acne/Pimples 
• Weight gain and trouble in losing weight
• Extra hair on face and body
• Thinning of hair on scalp
• Irregular periods (some have no periods or some can suffer from very heavy bleeding).
• Fertility problems
• Depression


The modern science is that PCOD/PCOS can't be cured but applying these habits in your life will help to get rid of it :-
• Eat fresh and who prepared foods and strictly avoid packaged foods.
• Apply a healthy plate method
(Salad , Curry , Dal , Rice , Roti).
• Have a spoon of cow ghee empty stomach in morning it would help to cure PCOD
• Exercise daily for 20 minutes
(Strength training will be great for you push-up , sit-ups , planks , leg-raises , etc.)
• Have a good sleep of at least 7 to 8 hours.
(Best time to sleep 9 - 7 a.m)
• Be in the moonlight for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
(It is because the cycles of moon and female are similar to each other because the menstrual cycle and moon cycle both are of 28 days so taking moonlight is very necessary for you)
Hope you got it !
Thank you for reading it carefully.
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