
All About Pimples

Everyone faces the problem of pimples and every one wants to get rid of it. Today we are going to discuss completely about how a pimple is formed ?How it can be cured?etc. _______________________________________________ ★ WHAT IS A PIMPLE :- A pimple is a small inflammation or swelling of the skin that may or may not be filled with pus. Pimples are caused by acne, a skin condition in which the skin's sebaceous glands become clogged and inflamed. _______________________________________________ ★ HOW ARE PIMPLES FORMED  :- Your skin is filled with hair follicles and behind that sebaceous gland is present. The gland produces the oily substance call Sebum. And when the sebum is produced in excess amount the dead skin cells form of plug in the gland. This for become clogged with sebum oil and bacteria. these bacteria lead to an infection swelling and inflammation around the clogged pore. This creates a pimple _______________________________________________ ★ WHAT FOODS SHOUL

All about PCOD

_____________________________________________ PCOD - (polycystic ovary disease) It is also known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) It is a hormonal disorder which results in enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer age. It is now it is common nowdays but if not paid attention it can result in infertility _____________________________________________ ★ HOW IT IS CAUSED ? It is caused due to imbalance of sexual hormones This disease is caused when the over start making slightly more androgens and increased insulin levels. _____________________________________________ ★ SYMPTOMS OF PCOD :- • Acne/Pimples  • Weight gain and trouble in losing weight • Extra hair on face and body • Thinning of hair on scalp • Irregular periods (some have no periods or some can suffer from very heavy bleeding). • Fertility problems • Depression _____________________________________________ ★ HOW IT CAN BE CURED :- The modern science is that PCOD/PCOS can

All about Curd

Curd is one of the greatest probiotic source which is available easily. Curd helps in maintaining kapha (cough) dosha. If curd eaten in the right way it can be the best probiotic source than the probiotic pills or supplements. So, What are the things we should keep in mind while eating curd. Let's discuss _________________________________________________ ★ CURD AT NIGHT This is one of the common mistakes we do while eating curd . As curd being heavy in potency  It is difficult to digest and aggravates kapha dosha and hence should be avoided. you can replace eating curd at night by drinking buttermilk (chass) . _________________________________________________ ★ EATING CURD IN WRONG COMBINATION Now a days we all add curd while making smoothie or lassi But this is completely wrong because wrong combinations with curd can result in in serious health issues relating kapha dosha. So , you should strictly avoid curd in combination with some foods. For example , • Curd & f

Mistakes we do while drinking water

Now a days over 95% of people drink water in a wrong way. Today we are going to highlight top 5 mistakes we do while drinking water. So let's get started , ★ DRINKING WATER DURING MEALS  Drinking water before or after meals is one of the most common mistake , as drinking water after meals is the best feeling , But this is one of the the most common mistake we do. As our body secretes digestive enzymes to breakdown food those digestive enzymes gets diluted when we drink water. Thus , we suffer from poor digestion. • How to Fix It ? You should keep a gap of at least 40 minutes before or after meal. ★ GULPING DOWN WATER In this modern era , to manage over time we did not pay attention towards health and do many mistakes Among those mistake the one mistake is gulping down water or drinking it fast. As water helps to neutralize excessive acid in our body it needs to be combined with saliva. But as we gulp down water it does not gets mixed with saliva and Hence ,

5.Habits that will Change your Life.

Today we are going to Highlight Top 5 Habits  which will change your life complety after applying them in your daily routine. So let's get started. 1. WAKE UP WITH A TASK  :- Now days we just wake up , get freshen-up and we do work what comes in mind but we never plan that this work has to be done by me tomorrow anyways.  But is this type of habit good for us ? Of course "NOT"  Then what should we do this question arises ?  So,After waking up you should be knowing that what tasks has to be completed today. Before going to bed you should plan and decide the task to be completed for the next day and you should check out that how many tasks has been completed by you. Practising this habit will change life completely . Your thinking skills and time management skills will boost up to next level  You should Try this. It works ! 2. AVOID ANGER  :- Who doesn't gets Angry ? Every person living on this earth gets angry for one or the other re


Today I would share 7 Tips Which I applied in my daily routine to transform from  A FAT TO A FIT GUY . Now we had started [# challenges] to transform  from fat to fit . If you are willing to loose weight you can message me on instgram Link given in bottom👇 So let's Get started :- 1. EAT PROTEIN IN EVERY MEAL :- Protein is one of the main component of a healthy diet. Protein should be added in daily diet as eating protein keeps you filled for a long time and hence you not feel hungry. Adding protein in your daily diet not only helps in your weight loss but it helps to build your muscles & also helps in building body muscles. You should have protein source such as daal,egg whites,etc. Which are good source of protein. 2. EAT LIGHT FOODS :- You should eat the foods which are light in nature. Because when we eat food heavy in nature it gets tough for the body to digest it and hence it results in weight gain you should have meal which is light an

10.Mistakes We Do While Weight-Loss

We do many mistakes while weight-loss.These misatkes not only disturbs your weight loss process but also causes damage to your body. So, I will highlight 10.Mistakes we commonly do while weight loss. 1. FOCUSING ON CARDIO AND IGNORING STRENGTH TRAINING  :- While workout we focus on cardio exercise and ignore strength training this mistake is common among all. As strength training also plays one of the major role in weight loss. Strength training is as important as cardio training.As doing strength training will not only take the weight loss process to the next level but it will also build up your muscles. For the faster weight loss combine 20 min of cardio training + 40 min of strength training. It is the best workout for weight loss. NOTE :- Do workout empty stomach in morning rather than evening,because in morning body utilises fat cells to provide energy so the weight loss process becomes faster. Exercising for 1hr in morning will be equal to exercising 2-3